
In this guide, "People" refers to a person's profile on the People page of your website. For information on how to manage someone's user profile in the context of editing permissions on your website, please see the  Manage User Permissions guide.
There are several ways new People can be added to your site. This is determined by how your People page is set up: direct import or manual creation.

Direct Import

 Stanford Profiles , also referred to as CAP, is the University system for managing faculty profiles, as well as profiles for staff, postdocs, graduate students, and more. Our websites can automatically pull in the profile data from CAP which keeps you out of the business of managing profile updates from everyone in your unit. For this reason, we strongly encouraging using this method of managing your People profiles.
On sites with this feature, the profile information of any new faculty, staff, or students who join your unit will automatically added to your site, as long as their profile is set to public. Please see the user guide on  Editing a CAP Profile for more information about visibility settings and updating profile contents.
If using the direct import method, you will be able to decide whether your faculty listing page will link to a  local profile page  on your site for each person (with content from CAP), or link directly to a  CAP profile page .

Create a New Person Manually

If your site is not set up to directly import profile information from CAP, you will need to maintain your list of People manually. To create a new person, hover over Add content in the Shortcuts menu and then click add person.
The Person content type is structured content and has a set number of fields. There are horizontal tabs for Basic Information, Bio Information, Contact Information, Faculty Info, Student Info, and Staff Info. Fill in the appropriate fields in the form and click save.

Basic Information Tab

This is where you will add the person's name, picture, and affiliation. It is important to select the correct affiliation (e.g. Faculty, Staff, Graduate Student, etc.) so that the person profile is displayed in the correct section or on the correct page.

Bio Information Tab

This is where you will enter more information about a person, including:
  • biography
  • title or position (multiple can be entered, as necessary)
  • department (multiple can be entered, as necessary)
  • degrees/education (multiple can be entered, as necessary)
  • research area(s) - multiple can be selected by holding control while clicking
  • field of interest (multiple can be entered, as necessary)
  • info links (multiple can be entered, as necessary), perhaps to a faculty's lab website
  • CV link
  • external profile, such as LinkedIn or another site
While all of these fields are optional, Research Area is particularly important if your website utilizes this function.

Contact Information Tab

Here you can enter various information including,
  • email, phone number, and/or office location
  • office hours (multiple can be entered, as necessary)
  • mailing address
All of these fields are optional.

Faculty Info

Only complete this tab if the person you are adding is a faculty member.
In the Faculty Info tab, you'll be provided a list of options and asked what type of faculty member this is. The specific options that will be listed will be specific to your site, and may include: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Professor Emeritus, Courtesy Professor, etc.
Selecting the correct faculty type is critical to ensure the person's profile ends up in the correct section of the correct page.

Student Info

Only complete this tab if the person you are adding is a student.
The student info page has more fields than the faculty info page. While all of these fields are optional, adding a minimum of Student Type is helpful to ensure the student's profile ends up in the correct section of the correct page. The other options may or may not be relevant to your site, depending on how it was set up.

Student Type

Depending on how your site is set up, you may see options here including: alumni, graduate student, postdoc, and undergraduate. Select the appropriate option from the dropdown list.


This will be the year the student entered your department or program. Select from the dropdown list.

Graduation Year

Choose the student's anticipated or actual graduation year from the dropdown list.

Dissertation Title

If the title is known, you may enter it here.

Staff Info

Only complete this tab if the person you are adding is a staff member.
Depending how your site is configured, you will see different options in the Staff Type dropdown menu. These options might include: student services, finance, administration, facilities, etc. It is recommended that you select an option so the profile ends up in the correct section of the correct page.

Video Tutorial

To learn how to add a person profile manually, the relevant section spans 12:15-19:31.
To learn how to edit an existing profile, the relevant section spans from 19:32-21:21.