Changing the Display Order on your People Pages

There may be instances where you wish to re-order the People Profiles on your People pages. For instance, it is common for Staff pages to list the DFO ahead of other staff, or for Institute websites to show a Center Director ahead of other faculty. This guide explains the process for re-ordering profiles on your People pages.

Navigating to the Sorting Page

After logging into your site, go to Shortcuts → Site Actions → Manage Sorting.
This will bring you to a page that should include a line item for People. Follow that line across to the column for Operations, and select the button to "Edit Items."

Changing the Sort Order

From the editing page, type the name of the person who should appear at the top of your list of People.
As you type, the person's name should appear in a drop down list. Click on the link with the correct person's name.
Once you click their name, the text box should display the person's name followed by a number in parentheses. Finally, click "Add Item."
If successful, your item list will have added the person:
If you are only adding one person to your customized sorting, click the "Save" button to finish. Your page will show that your save was successful, and that you now have 1 person sorted.
To confirm, navigate back to your People Page. It should now show this person at the top. Everyone else will then follow the regular sort order of the page, which is typically alphabetical by last name.

Sorting Additional People

While in the Manage Sorting screen, you can add additional People to your customized sort order. This is useful if you wish to include an Assistant Director, Administrative Assistant, or any other person who wouldn't normally appear at the top of your People section.
To do this, follow the same steps as above. First, type the person's name into the text box. Once their name appears in the dropdown menu, click on it and then click "Add Item."
The person will be added to the bottom of your custom sorted list, below anyone else you've added. If that is your desired order, click the "Save" button to save your work. To change the order, follow the steps below to  Sort People within your List .

Sort People within Your List

If you've selected more than one person to appear at the top of your list, you may re-order the way in which they are shown. To do this, click the "+" arrow and drag the line item to the appropriate place. Be sure to click the "Save" button when you've finished making changes.

Remove People from your Sorted List

To remove a person from your sorted list, simply click the "Remove" button next to their name.

Be sure to click the "Save" button when you're done making changes.