Embedding Google Forms

Google Forms can be directly embedded into your pages by following these easy steps.

Process Steps

Add the Form

Inside of a Text Area, click the button for "Insert from Media Library."

Select "Google Form" from the format options in the left column.

Paste the link to your Google Form in the box then click "Add." (note: To get the link from your Google Form, click "send" then click the link icon. Copy the link.)

Rename your file. Be descriptive to follow accessibility guidelines.

Click "Save and insert"

Review and format your embed

Your Google Form will now show in your Text Area.

Scroll to the middle and click "Edit Media" to set the Form's alignment on your page.

Click the Save button to save the changes to your page. The Google Form should be embedded into your page.

Video Tutorial

The relevant content spans from 5:35-7:35.
