Embedding Other Types of Media

There will be times when you wish to embed a other types of media directly into your webpage, rather than simply share a link to it. For example, you may wish to embed a podcast from Spotify or SoundCloud. This guide explains the process.
If you wish to embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo, please follow the guide for  Embedding Videos in a Text Area .

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Adding Media

The process to embed this type of media is very similar to adding other images and videos. You'll either create a new Text Area or open an existing one, and place your cursor where you'd like the embed to be displayed. Once your cursor is in the correct place, click on the Media icon.

In the popup, select the Embeddable tab.

You will be prompted to enter the URL for the media you wish to embed. Please note that at this time only the following providers can be embedded: ArcGIS StoryMaps, CircuitLab, Codepen, Dailymotion, Facebook, Flickr, Getty Images, Instagram, Issuu, Livestream, MathEmbed, SimpleCast, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stanford Digital Repository, Twitter.  If you need help finding the correct link to include, follow these instructions. 

Paste the URL into the box. You'll need to scroll down within this window, below the "Embed Code" box, and click "Add." If you're not sure which URL to copy,  see these instructions .

The video name and oEmbed URL will automatically be populated into the boxes on the subsequent screen. You may change the name if you wish, but please remember to be descriptive.

Once everything looks the way you want, click "Save and Insert." Your media should appear in your text box. Be sure to save your work!

Finding the Correct Embeddable Link


Hover over the title of the media you wish to embed, and click the 3 dots.
From the menu that pops up, click "Share" and then "Embed track."


Below the sound bar, you'll see a row of buttons. Click "Share."
A new window will appear. Ensure you're in the Share tab (not Embed!), and copy the URL in the link box.
In the event you wish to have the media begin at a particular time, you can do so by checking the box next to the link text, and indicating the starting point.

Video Tutorial

The relevant section spans from 4:24-7:35.
