Navigating the Digital Accessibility (Deque) Training

You were just informed of a new required multi-course training in Digital Accessibility. Now what? This guide walks you through the process to ensure you complete the steps required to earn credit for your work.
Because this is a custom learning path, and because it is not yet integrated into STARS, it is critical that you follow these steps to receive credit for passing the training.

Overview of the Process

To quickly summarize the training experience, these are the steps you’ll follow:
    .1Log into Deque to link your Stanford account (SUNet ID email, NOT an alias!) with Deque.
    .2Complete "Learning path 1: H&S Web Editing: Accessibility Core Competencies" (Do NOT take the exams in Deque! You can ignore these.)
    .aAccessibility Fundamentals - Disabilities, Guidelines, and Laws (~60-90 min)
    .bFast Track to Accessibility for Any Role (Non-Technical) (~45-60 min)
    .cStanford: Fast Track to Accessibility for PDF Creators (~25 min)
    .3Complete "Learning path 2: H&S Complete one of the following document accessibility courses" (Do NOT take the exams in Deque! You can ignore these.)
    .aFast Track to Accessibility for Microsoft Office (~60-75 min) or Fast Track to Accessibility for Google Workspace (~60 min)
    .4Take the H&S quiz in Qualtrics. It’s considerably shorter and the data will automatically be sent to us.

Log into Deque University 

Visit  Deque University  and click one of the login buttons. 
Log in with your SUNet ID email (e.g. ). Do NOT use an alias email address. Do NOT use the “Sign in with Google or Github” options, as this will not properly connect your progress to your Stanford account.
If you’d like to see this in action, watch the  video tutorial . Please note that we have completed the SmartSheet for you, so you can ignore that step and follow the instructions starting at 0:20. Optionally, you can  follow the steps outlined in this document , beginning at step 2.

After you’ve logged in, you will see a landing page. Click the link to "Access your courses."
In the event this does not bring you to any courses, you may have to go back and complete the SmartSheet as the first step in troubleshooting. Feel free to reach out to  for help.

Find the two assigned learning paths

Once logged in, you will see a page called "Deque University - My Courses." Scroll down to your assigned tasks, where you will notice two assigned learning paths.

Complete the assigned learning 

Begin with Assigned Learning Path: H&S Web Editing: Accessibility Core Competencies. You’ll see three courses: 
  • Accessibility Fundamentals - Disabilities, Guidelines, and Laws (~60-90 min)
  • Fast Track to Accessibility for Any Role (Non-Technical) (~45-60 min)
  • Stanford: Fast Track to Accessibility for PDF Creators (~25 min)
Complete all three courses at your own pace. Deque also allows you to pause a course and come back to it at a later time. You do not need to take the Deque graded exams - see note below.

Once you’ve completed those three courses, move to Assigned Learning Path: H&S Complete One of the Following Document Accessibility Courses. There are two options from which you can select:
  • Fast Track to Accessibility for Microsoft Office (~60-75 min)
  • Fast Track to Accessibility for Google Workspace (~60 min)
Choose the ONE course that better applies to you and complete it at your own pace. Again, these courses can be paused as needed. You do not need to take the Deque graded exams - see note below.

Do NOT take the graded exams in Deque!

We are tracking course completion and learning outcomes via a short Qualtrics quiz rather than the exams provided through Deque. Unless you take the Qualtrics quiz, we will not know you’ve completed the online courses and achieved the learning goals. While the Deque exams may help reinforce your knowledge, they are considerably longer than the quiz we have created, so please do not feel obligated to take them (unless you’d like the extra practice).

Take the  Qualtrics quiz 

Our quiz has 20 multiple choice questions. If you answer one incorrectly, you’ll be prompted to try again. Once you’ve completed all 20 questions, you will receive a confirmation of passing the course and we will be notified.  Link to Qualtrics quiz .

How do I know I passed and my course completion was recorded?

Qualtrics will serve as your completion record. The quiz will automatically send you and the H&S web team an email indicating that you passed.
If you have any trouble logging in or aren’t sure which course(s) to take, please send us a message at .