Selecting the Change Field Values option allows you to apply one type of change to multiple pieces of content at once. This can be done for any type of content, such as Flexible Pages, Events, People Profiles, etc.
Depending on which type of content you've selected, the options for what can be changed will vary. For example, if you select a few Flexible Pages, you will see different choices than if you select all People Profiles. Options may also slightly differ based on site customizations.
Because the options vary widely by content type, we highly recommend only working with one type at a time. To keep the field values as straightforward as possible, navigate to "Manage _ (specific content type)" e.g. "Manage News" or "Manage Events" rather than the general "Manage Content."
Whatever your content type, selecting a few items and choosing "Change Field Values" will bring you to a page with a variety of sliders from which you can select. Depending on which slider(s) you choose, additional fields will appear. This page will walk you through the most commonly used fields by content type.
It is possible to make multiple edits at the same time by selecting more than one field.
When multiple Flexible Pages are selected, you will see around 10 options for bulk changes. Most commonly used will be: Authored By and Published.
Screenshot of the Change Field Values page when Flexible Page(s) are selected. The box with the options for "select fields to change" is outlined.
Authored By
There are times when you'll need to update the author of a page. This is most commonly done when faculty members need to be able to edit their People page, but shouldn't have access to edit the rest of the website. More information on why the Author information might be changed can be found in our guide on Granting Faculty Permission to Edit their People Profile.
Choosing the Authored by slider in the bulk edit menu will bring up one additional field.
Screenshot showing the interface with the Authored by slider selected. A field for the author name has appeared.
If a name appears in the "Authored by" field, delete it. Start typing the name you wish to be included and select from the options that are pulled up. Save your work when you're finished.
To change the publication status of multiple pages at once, click on the Published slider. This will pull up one additional slider that reads, "Published." Toggle this on or off depending if you want your pages to all be published or unpublished, respectively. Save your work when you're finished.
Screenshot showing the interface with the Published slider selected. An additional slider for publication status has appeared.
Changing Field Values for Events and Event Series
When multiple Event pages are selected, you will see around 20 options for bulk changes. Most commonly used will be: Start, Location, and Event Series.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating event(s).
There may be an instance where you need to change the date and/or time of multiple events, perhaps those that are part of a conference. Select the slider for Start to pull up the interface to update the date/time.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating event(s). The Start field has been selected, which pulled up the options for setting the start and end dates and times.
To update the location of multiple events, select the location slider. This will allow you to enter a new location. You can replace the location with the new value, or append it to the existing location.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating event(s). The Location field has been selected, which pulled up the options for editing the location and selecting the change method (replace or append the current value).
Event Series
If you've created multiple events but forgot to tag them with their Event Series, you can do so via Bulk Editing. Just toggle the slider for Event Series and click on the appropriate option. You can select multiple by holding control/command and clicking.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating event(s). The Event Series field has been selected, which pulled up a list of Event Series and a section for selecting the change method (replace or append the current value).
Changing Field Values for News
Selecting News items for bulk editing will pull up a smaller selection of options. The most commonly used is Categories.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating News.
When Categories is selected, 2 additional fields will appear.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating News. The option for Categories is selected, which pulls up two additional fields: Categories and Change Method.
The first, Categories, is a list of tagging options. What appears in this list will depend on the taxonomy lists created on your site. To select more than one category, hold the control button and click on multiple options.
The second field that appears is Change method. This will allow you to select if you'd like the changes to replace the existing categories on your news items with what you've selected here ("replace the current value") or if you'd like to add the new categories to what is already tagged ("Add a new value to the multivalue field").
Changing Field Values for People
When you select People content for bulk editing, a wide variety of options will appear. The most commonly used will be: Affiliation, Research Area(s), Faculty Type, Student Type, Cohort, and Staff Type.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating People.
It's important that all of your People are tagged with the appropriate category, whether that's Faculty, Staff, Student, or another category. Doing so ensures that their profile will be shown in the correct section or on the correct page of your website.
To change multiple People profiles at once, select Affiliation and choose the appropriate category. You can select multiple by holding control while you click. Next, choose if you'd like the changes to override the existing selections ("replace the current value") or be added to what exists ("add a new value to the multivalue field").
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating People. Affiliation is selected, which has pulled up additional fields for Affiliation and Change Method.
Research Area(s)
Similar to Affiliation above, you'll see a list of existing Research Areas from which you can choose, and the option to override or add to the existing values.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating People. Research Area(s) is selected, which pulls up additional fields for Research Area(s) and Change Method.
Faculty Type, Student Type, and Staff Type
As with the other types of changes, you'll see a list of options of Faculty types, Student types, and Staff types, depending on the taxonomy labels that exist on your site. Select the appropriate option and change method.
This is where you can select the year that graduate students entered your program.
Screenshot of the bulk edit module for updating People. The option to edit Cohort is selected, which pulled up a dropdown menu of years.
Changing Field Values for Publications
There are approximately 10 options for Changing Field Values for Publications. Of these, the most commonly used will be Publication Type.
Screenshot of the module to bulk edit Publications.
Publication Type
Selecting Publication Type will pull up one additional field where you can select from a list of publication types. This list will vary by site depending on what taxonomy terms have been added. Select from the dropdown list, holding control to select more than one option.
Screenshot of the module to bulk edit Publications. The option for Publication Type is selected, which pulled up one additional field.